More information
The Annual General Meeting for Early Childhood Council Incorporated will be on Thursday 8 August at the Te Pae Convention Centre in Christchurch. This will be the same room that ECC is using that day for the ECC Networking Event (lunch).
AGM Registration process (for voting)
At the AGM, the business will include receipt of the annual report and annual statement of accounts, election of officers and members of the Executive Committee and any other business (such as motions etc).
Nominations onto the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the governance entity for the Early Childhood Council. It contains the following nine officers:
1. Vice-President
Stands down each year / can be re-elected
2. President, Secretary, Treasurer
One stands down each year / can be re-elected
3. Five other Executive Committee members
Two stand down each year / can be re-elected
More details to be announced soon.