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Aside from increased business through access to the ECC membership base, Preferred Suppliers may also receive discounts or exclusive opportunities on ECC events and services.
The following criteria help to guide acceptance into the ECC Preferred Supplier Programme:
- Price - ECC Members are looking for a good price deal. Budgets in ECE are already tight, so there is a need for the member to gain financially from choosing the supplier.
- Quality - Members have indicated that while price is a key criterion, quality is expected. They would prefer a good-to-high quality product or service, which they appreciate comes at a higher price point.
- Service - Supportive, easy and personal levels of service are regarded as important by our members.
- Partnership - The ECC is seeking Preferred Suppliers who maintain good contact, actively understand our members, and take an interest in our business in a collaborative fashion. A strong relationship ensures that benefits continue for our members.
- Financial Support - As a not-for-profit organisation, the ECC benefits from Preferred Supplier rebates, as this financial assistance enables us to keep membership fees affordable. Part of our evaluation is judgement about the extent to which we see Preferred Supplier investment returned.
- Reputation - The provider must have a solid positive reputation in the New Zealand ECE sector.
- Appeal - Interaction with members must be tailored and reflect an understanding of ECC members business and operating environments.
- Product/Service Range - Product / service range must be relevant to ECE centres and available nationally, with good pre and post sales service, payment arrangements, distribution arrangements, etc.
- Likely Demand - Preferred Suppliers must be able to demonstrate an appreciation of the decision to buy remaining with the member, and records must reflect the desire of members to purchase defined goods and/or services. A Preferred Supplier Agreement must achieve a win-win-win (for the ECC, our members, and the provider).
- Exclusivity - The ECC may on occasion require exclusivity from Preferred Suppliers, though this will be determined on a case-by-case basis and at the mutual agreement of both parties. Details of exclusivity will be clearly outlined in the Preferred Supplier Agreement where they apply.
What can Preferred Suppliers offer?
- A specific range of goods / services at discounted or special prices
- Terms that reflect the nature of the New Zealand ECE sector
- Exclusive access to particular products or offers
- Financial return to the Early Childhood Council
Requirements of Preferred Suppliers:
The ECC establishes an agreement with each Preferred Supplier outlining roles and responsibilities.
Each Preferred Supplier must clearly identify the specific goods and/or services under the programme that are available to ECC members. This information is promoted on our website and via other communication channels.
Preferred Suppliers may have further goods and/or services not included in the agreement; these will not be promoted to protect the programme and avoid overlaps with other Preferred Suppliers.
ECC requires Preferred Suppliers to provide reporting on request, and partnerships are monitored to ensure the continued success of the programme.
Interested in joining the ECC Preferred Supplier Programme?